
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that Pulp Fiction is a fantastic movie (although I have never watched it). But it’s just a fact that it is named after a literary medium of low quality that is made for a broad audience. All the while, literature as a whole must be one of the purest, most intelligent and sophisticated concepts out there.

So what is pulp science then? Well imagine, you were able to follow around a young scientist during their daily life, listening to their thoughts. You might hear about their struggles in this competitive field, you could be able to share their fascination with their work and maybe you will find out how their profession affects their daily life. Please do not expect clean, peer-reviewed science, however. Thoughts are far too unreliable for that. And don’t go peeking too far… you never know what you might find.

Please note that posts on this website are personal reflections of individuals and may include opinions. While we try to ensure the integrity of the conveyed information, the stories do not necessarily reflect current scientific knowledge entirely or strictly. Concepts may be portrayed in a strongly simplified form. If there is interest in a post beyond its content, please reach out via comments or the contact form. We may be able to go into more detail, list resources or point you to experts who know better than we do.

The amateur scientists are:

Christoph Wagner

Nicknames are supposed to describe a person, right? In that case, the colleague who once called me a ‘tough rookie’ nailed it. I like to think I know a lot, when really I don’t, but still I manage to wiggle my way through it all somehow. If I do know my way around something science, then it is Synthetic Biology, which was the discipline of my Bachelor and Master theses. Right now, I am a fresh and unconsumed PhD student, trying to figure out synthetic cells in Edinburgh, Scotland. If I am not in the lab, you will find me woodworking in my shop, writing stories or running … somewhere.

Everything is interesting to me, somehow. Natural sciences (except chemistry, sorry), mathematics, philosophy, music, politics, art, you name it. I ended up studying physics and that will reflect in my blog posts on pulp science. On paper, I specialise in quantum information theory, but actually, I’m fascinated by almost anything related to theoretical and computational physics and informatics. If not scratching my head over some calculation or piece of code, you will probably find me reading random papers, writing jazzy pieces of music or sitting in a bar/cafe somewhere.

Daniel Simm