
Specialisation is awesome, and I hate it.

Have you ever thought about the engineering and science that goes into the device you’re reading this on? Modern computers (and smartphones, etc.) are very intricate machines. In fact, they are so incredibly complex that no single person in the entire world knows how to build one. In a way, a computer is the perfect […]


Deine Messungen stimmen (wirklich!)

“No, that can’t be right! That makes no sense at all! Is the machine broken? Maybe I mixed up the samples? Something is wrong here…” Such you may think a lot when working in a lab: you carry out an experiment and expect to see a specific result but are surprised by a quite different […]


Anzügliche Akademie

British people must be some of the nicest around. Wanna know how I know? Well there just happen to be a few of them at London Heathrow airport, where I am sitting as I am beginning to write this article, waiting for my connecting flight to Baltimore. It makes me miss the Brits even more […]


Fingers crossed, Christoph!

My former supervisor was never a man of many words. Even though he guided me through my first tentative one-and-a-half years of science, we would seldom talk more than was necessary. This was especially true for non-scientific topics. When he arrived at the office in the mornings, my presence was sometimes acknowledged with a barely […]